A sexagenarian found dead, her husband in front of the judge

It could be a feminicide. A 71-year-old man, suspected of having killed his wife, will be presented on Tuesday to an examining magistrate after the discovery on Christmas morning of the lifeless body of his wife at their home in Saint-Pierre-d’Eyraud (Dordogne), we learned from the prosecutor of Périgueux.

The septuagenarian, who was on the scene when help arrived, was taken into police custody on Sunday, said prosecutor Solène Belaouar, who did not specify the circumstances of the death of the victim, aged 64. . The suspect himself notified the emergency services, according to the local press. According to the latest figures from the Ministry of the Interior, 122 women were victims of femicide in 2021, a number up 20% compared to 2020.

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