a septuagenarian shot dead at his home for 500 euros by burglars

On the night of Thursday to Friday, in Bousebecque, in the North, a 70-year-old man was shot dead in a burglary that went wrong, we learned from the mayor and a source policewoman.

At around 2:30 a.m., burglars shot the septuagenarian before fleeing with loot estimated at 500 euros, a police source told AFP, adding that the victim’s wife was not touched.

Several individuals are wanted

Contacted, Joseph Lefebvre, the unlabeled mayor of this town of about 5,000 inhabitants located on the Belgian border, confirmed the information. “You can imagine the shock and the emotion that this arouses, it is a human drama”, he reacted.

Several individuals are wanted, said the police source. An investigation was opened and the investigations were entrusted to the Lille judicial police.

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