A self-control workshop to help garbage collectors manage cases of aggression

Since 2012, 3,865 garbage collectors from the City of Paris have benefited from self-control training, according to figures from the City of Paris. Created by Dialexis, a private consulting company located in Gironde, this training has been in existence since 1999. It consists of discussions between colleagues on scenarios experienced by garbage collectors. The goal is to analyze and see how to handle the situation differently.

“If the situation is too difficult, we have the order to clear the street”

If a garbage collector finds himself in the case of an attack, he has instructions to apply. “In the event of a physical attack, remain calm, do not get out of the vehicle, get to safety. In case of verbal aggression, do not raise your voice, stay calm, call the bosses. And if the situation is too difficult, we have the order to clear the street, ”testifies Fabrice to the newspaper The Parisian.

These attacks can occur at the workplace, but also on the journey to get there, especially on public transport. Garbage collectors making night journeys may be confronted with drunk people, which can lead to situations that can degenerate, giving garbage collectors a feeling of insecurity. This training remains interesting to better manage certain situations, but it cannot be sufficient in the case of physical aggression with a weapon.

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