“A scum!” », “African scum”… These RN candidates who let loose on the networks

While the National Rally continues its de-demonization with the help of a polished communication, the candidates that the far-right party invested in have, for their part, more difficulty keeping their tongues in their pockets. Result: dozens of them have slipped up on social networks, underlines Mediapart. In a few days, the investigative newspaper found 45 RN candidates who made racist or anti-Semitic comments online.

Numerous anti-Semitic statements

The most publicized of these discrepancies is that of Joseph Martin, candidate in Morbihan, who had written on Release, he had been suspended but was finally reinstated by a party commission which assured that he was in reality talking about the death of Robert Faurisson, a Holocaust denial activist. While the party, founded in particular by former Nazis, presents itself today as a bulwark against anti-Semitism, there is no shortage of anti-Semitic declarations from its candidates.

The candidate for the 10th district of Paris, Agnès Pageard, regularly targets personalities of the Jewish faith in her messages on social networks. In January 2022, she writes this, recalls Release : “We are bombarded with Momo who does not want to deliver kosher kebabs. But for our “elites” to sodomize their own children is much more serious. Momo has no power, the Lang, Attali, Finkielkraut, Duhamel, Kouchner, Fabius, Guigou, Cohn Bendit, BHL… yes. » For her part, Sophie Dumont, candidate for the 4th constituency of Côte-d’Or, implies that the Reconquest party is financed by Jews.

Racist and sexist excesses

Numerous racist excesses have also been spotted by journalists. Tony Bihoué, RN candidate in Finistère, spoke of young Nahel, killed by the police in June 2023 in Nanterre: “A kid? A scumbag! Scum! A refusal to comply so don’t complain [émoji bisous]. » For his part, the boss of the RN in Côte-d’Or, René Lioret, launched in October 2022: “African scum, it’s always 3 or 4 to 1. That’s what we see them as. recognize ! »

“No, all civilizations are not equal”, judged on January 11 Marie-Christine Sorin, candidate in the 1st district of Hautes-Pyrénées, estimating that some “have just remained below bestiality in the chain of evolution “. Gregory Renard, substitute for Katel Le Cuillier in the 4th constituency of Morbihanrepeatedly uses the insult “bogmoule”, a substitute for the racist insult “bougnoule” designed to circumvent the moderation of social networks.

Sometimes, racism mixes with sexism with this declaration by Tony Bihoué (him again) wrote “Outside the [émoji excrément] and with parents who are incapable of educating them! Easy to spread your legs to lay scum, harder to take care of them! » All these declarations embarrass the National Rally which is trying to distance itself from the excesses of its founder Jean-Marie Le Pen, known for his anti-Semitic and racist outings. But this work on its image clearly does not prevent the party from appointing openly racist or anti-Semitic personalities.

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