A safety device so as not to fall off the mask

It wasn’t long before the 2021 Festival of Lights saw the light of day, or rather the night, after a 2020 edition canceled for health reasons. Pascal Mailhos, prefect of the Rhône, waited to have the green light from the Prime Minister, Jean Castex, to unveil on Tuesday the particular security device for this recovery expected from tomorrow.

Because it will be held “in very supervised conditions”, warned the prefect, whose role is to support the organizer, namely the City of Lyon, to enforce the instructions of the State. Jean Castex approved the maintenance of the Festival of Lights on one condition: “the conditions of consumption of food products must be strictly supervised and reserved for areas subject to the control of the sanitary pass”.

A single restaurant area on Place Maréchal-Lyautey

Hence the joint decision to set up a sanitary perimeter in the places concerned by the Festival of Lights, the enlarged peninsula, the Tête d’Or park, and the Blandan park. Wearing a mask will be compulsory, and all consumption of food and drink will be prohibited from 6 p.m. to 2 a.m. The sale and consumption of alcohol on public roads will be prohibited, as will street vendors.

Only one restaurant area will be accessible: Place Maréchal-Lyautey, with a capacity of 1,500 people, accessible on presentation of the health pass. Food truck-type stands will offer food and non-alcoholic drinks.

In red, the sanitary perimeter. In blue, the restaurant area. – Prefecture of the Rhône

The challenge is to prevent the expected crowd from removing their mask in places of high concentration. The health pass will be compulsory in the five closed places of the event. Police checks will be stepped up to ensure that these conditions are met in a worrying situation: Pascal Mailhos recalled that the last incidence rate in the Rhône stood at 640 on December 3.

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