A resurrected Russian commander and massive night strikes

Did you miss the latest events on the war in Ukraine? Do not panic, 20 minutes takes stock for you every evening at 7:30 p.m. Who did what ? Who said what? Where are we ? The answer below.

The fact of the day

Announced dead, the Russian commander of the Black Sea fleet appeared this Tuesday during a videoconference. The strange resurrection has provoked many comments. Indeed, kyiv claimed to have killed Viktor Sokolov during its strike on the headquarters of the Russian Black Sea Fleet in Sevastopol, Crimea, on Friday. But the official appeared in an image published by the Ministry of Defense, of a videoconference held on Tuesday, according to them.

After the publication of these images, Ukrainian special operations forces announced that they were “clarifying” their information. These forces affirmed on Telegram that, according to “available sources”, the commander was among the dead, although identification of the victims was difficult because the bodies were very damaged.

The number of the day

19. It is this number of years in prison that the main Russian opponent hoped to reduce on appeal. But this Tuesday, Russian justice rejected the request of Alexeï Navalny, convicted of “extremism”. This verdict should send him to a penal colony with harsher conditions.

Sentence of the day

The Abrams tanks (…) will also burn”

This is a promise from the spokesperson for the Russian presidency, Dmitri Peskov, this Tuesday. While the first American tanks arrived in Ukraine, he assured that this “would not change the balance of power” between the Russian and Ukrainian armies. According to him, through these new deliveries to Kiev, “the Americans continue to increase their direct involvement in this conflict”, but the Russian army nevertheless succeeds in “countering” the attacks by the Ukrainian army.

Today’s trend

Moscow continues to pound Ukraine into the dark. During the night from Monday to Tuesday, 38 Shahed drones attacked Ukrainian territory, the Ukrainian Air Force said on Tuesday, claiming that 26 of these aircraft had been shot down. The Odessa region (south) is one of the positions struck during the night by Russian forces, who notably targeted the port of Izmail.

For its part, kyiv responds by periodically striking Russian territory. This Tuesday, a Ukrainian drone struck an electrical substation in the Russian border region of Kursk, cutting power to seven localities, its governor said. “No residents were injured,” the governor said, adding that crews were working to restore power.

Last winter, Russia launched attacks on critical infrastructure in Ukraine, regularly and deliberately depriving millions of residents of heat, water and electricity. Ukraine has undertaken with its drones and artillery to attack targets on Russian territory, as part of its counter-offensive to liberate its occupied territories.

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