A residence reserved for the eviction of violent spouses

The measure has the advantage of allowing victims to remain in the family home. A residence, dedicated to the eviction and support of violent spouses placed under judicial supervision, was inaugurated on Monday in Lille. Within this Support and Prevention Center (CAP), operating since November and managed by the Judicial Control and Investigation Service (SCJE), 25 perpetrators of domestic violence can be accommodated before their trial in 10 apartments. furniture.

The accompaniment is based on two axes, explains Caroline Alirol, director of the SCJE of Lille: “a work on the awareness of the facts” and a work of reintegration.
A multidisciplinary team made up of three judicial controllers, two psychologists and three social workers is present on a daily basis in this structure, presented as unique in France. It was created in partnership with the Ministry of Justice, Lille Métropole Habitat and with the support of the city of Lille.

“A criminal policy priority”

The center “supports anyone for acts of violence against a partner or ex-partner” before their judgment for a period of six weeks which can be renewed, details Pauline Beautour, its coordinator. Since November, 250 people have been monitored and 25 accommodated there.

“This is the first time that we have created a center of this scale which allows both to take care of people placed under judicial control who are awaiting the hearing of their judgment and at the same time to accommodate them within the framework of the eviction which has been pronounced”, noted Isabelle Bruere, Director General of the SCJE.
This association, which has branches throughout France, was created in 2001 in Lille where it is based.

The eviction of the violent spouse “is a priority of criminal policy”, highlighted the prosecutor of the Republic of Lille, Carole Etienne. “We have to win the battle of mentalities. We always have the impression that dwelling on the care of violent spouses is to reduce the protection and safety of victims, but it is quite the opposite, ”added the magistrate.

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