a relative of the ultra-left arrested, accused of having set fire to vehicles

He would have attacked vehicles belonging to public companies or telephone operators, such as Enedis or Eiffage. A man close to the ultra-left movement was arrested last weekend and remanded in custody, we learn from a source familiar with the matter. He is accused of having set fire to around sixty vehicles since 2017.

This man, in his forties, was arrested by the anti-terrorist sub-directorate (SDAT) of the judicial police in Oise, where he lived, after having set fire to a BMW on the night of June 10 to 11 and a diplomatic vehicle in the 17th arrondissement of Paris, said the same source.

“Broke in the techniques of clandestinity”

The vehicles were mainly burned in Ile-de-France. “More than 100 vehicles were destroyed in total” and “ten facades of buildings burned” by the spread of fires. The suspect had been the subject for “several months” of an investigation opened by the Bobigny prosecutor’s office and entrusted to the SDAT, said the source. He was also the administrator of a website in which he “claimed and incited to perpetrate this kind of misdeeds”, added this source.

He was “broken in the techniques of clandestinity” and “did not say anything in the hearing”, she said again. He was “very suspicious”, he “knew the video surveillance system of the City of Paris well, for example” and “used routes not covered” by the cameras.

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