A referral to the court required for Cédric Jubillar

Will Cédric Jubillar, yes or no, have to answer for the murder of his wife Delphine before a criminal court? This is what the investigators and investigating judges in this extraordinary case want and what the drywall painter’s lawyers are trying at all costs to avoid – or delay. This Thursday, the Toulouse Court of Appeal examined their appeal against the referral of their client to the Tarn Assize Court. Unsurprisingly, the public prosecutor requested a trial.

The magistrates’ decision will be rendered on September 26. If Cédric Jubillar’s appeal is rejected, this will pave the way for a trial, probably during the first half of 2025.

New unsuccessful investigations

The investigating chamber of the Court of Appeal also examined this Thursday the results of the additional information it had requested in February. This involved verifying the statements of a pseudo-medium, the location of an excavator and the assertions of a former fellow inmate of Cédric Jubillar. These new investigations yielded nothing. And therefore not modified the positions of the prosecution which considers that “serious and consistent” elements point in the direction of the husband.

Delphine Jubillar, nurse and mother of two children, vanished from her family home in Cagnac-les-Mines (Tarn) on the night of December 15 to 16, 2020, in the middle of the health curfew. It was her husband who alerted the police to her absence and no trace of her has been found since. At the time of her disappearance, Delphine wanted to divorce and start a new life with another man. Cédric Jubillar was indicted on June 18, 2021 for “murder of a spouse”. Incarcerated for three years, he proclaims his innocence in this case without a body or material proof.

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