A recipient of the RSA loses a lead in the hall of the departmental council

Blood stroke and kicks. On Wednesday, a man made a big mess in the lobby of the Nord department hotel, rue Gustave Delory, in Lille. He had clearly not appreciated the explanations of the reception agents about the suspension of the payment of his Active Solidarity Income (RSA).

The facts took place, Wednesday morning, at the physical reception of the departmental council. A man came to “obtain information on his personal situation related to obtaining the RSA”, we are told. Basically, the payment of his allowance had been suspended because the respondent was reluctant to seek work and did not respond to requests from the institution. “We cannot be, in the Nord department, an ATM. I say it, the recipients have rights and duties”, declared the president of the department, Christian Poiret, on the antenna of France Blue.

He ransacks the lobby

Still, the explanations of the agents did not please the man, who attacked the furniture of the reception, breaking windows, knocking over racks, in a crisis which lasted “several minutes” . The tornado could only be stopped thanks to the intervention of security agents. They arrested the recipient and handed him over to the police. The man ended his day in custody.

The county council must file a complaint, in particular because of the material damage caused, but above all to “denounce […] the psychological impact on the three officers present at reception that day”.

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