A rally in Paris for more “climate justice”

Attac, Alternatiba, Greenpeace, Extinction Rebellion, L214, Oxfam, ATD Fourth World, but also the Solidarity unions and the CGT. Plus a bunch of uninserted protesters. It was crowded in front of the Hotel de Ville in Paris this Saturday, to “put pressure on governments and to take action without waiting for decision-makers”, according to the organizers.

Giant portraits of several leaders, Joe Biden, Emmanuel Macron, Boris Johnson, Xi Jinping and Jair Bolsonaro were deployed, as well as a banner “Inactive at COP26, dying in 2050” which was then hung on the Olympic rings erected in front of the Hôtel de Ville, while Paris is due to host the Olympic Games in 2024.

The demonstrators, some coming with their families, then sounded the “climate alarm” with whistles and cries, carried by the percussions of a batucada. Placards proclaimed “no nature, no future”, “climate justice, social justice, everything is linked”, “the COP26 washes greener” to denounce the greenwashing or more soberly a simple “SOS”.

Several personalities have followed one another on the rostrum, such as climatologist Jean-Baptiste Sallée or Jean-Francois Julliard of Greenpeace, to warn about the “historic responsibility” of the generation in power to take decisions allowing an effective fight against climate change. Other events are planned for Saturday across France and in other countries, culminating in a parade in Glasgow, where the COP26 is taking place until November 12.

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