A priest from the diocese of La Rochelle imprisoned for rape

A priest from the diocese of La Rochelle was indicted in early July in Nanterre for rape, sexual assault, possession and consultation of child pornography images, a source close to the case told AFP on Monday, confirming information from the newspaper South West.

The priest was placed in pre-trial detention the same day, again according to this source. According to South Westthe case begins in August 2021. A report is sent by the diocese of La Rochelle to the public prosecutor’s office of Saintes (Charente-Maritime), denouncing “inappropriate gestures” against a Charentais minor over 15 years old during a stay in Parisian region.

A “well-known” priest in Saintes

A preliminary investigation is then opened by the Nanterre public prosecutor’s office, after relinquishing that of Saintes, confirms the same source close to the case. On July 4, the priest was referred and a judicial investigation was opened. In the process, he was indicted for “rape and sexual assault by a person having authority over the victim, possession of child pornography images and habitual consultation of sites making this type of images available” and placed in pre-trial detention.

This priest is “well known” in Saintes, according to South West. He is said to have founded a rescue and first aid training center for adolescents and an association.

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