A poll once again gives the RN clearly in the lead in the first round

Opinion surveys follow one another and are similar for the party chaired by Jordan Bardella. With 33% of voting intentions, the RN clearly came out on top in the first round of the legislative elections on June 30, ahead of the New Popular Front (25%) and the presidential majority (20%), according to an Opinionway poll published on Saturday for The echoes.

In this poll, LR obtained 7% of the votes and Reconquest 3%.

RN voters sure of their choice

According to this survey, RN voters appear to be the most certain of their choice. Only 13% of them say they can change their mind, while this is the case for 27% of people wanting to vote New Popular Front, for 36% of supporters of the presidential majority and especially for 67% of LR supporters.

The survey was carried out online from June 12 to 13, 2024 on a representative sample of 1,011 people registered on the electoral lists. The margins of error are between 1.4 and 3.1 points.

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