a policeman suspected of stoking rivalries between two Brest neighborhoods

The rivalry between the two neighborhoods is known to all. In Brest, the districts of Pontanezen and Kerourien clash regularly against the backdrop of drug trafficking. In recent years, several episodes of violence have erupted between the young people of these two neighborhoods with multiple settling of accounts or punitive expeditions. During January, the district of Pontanezen was thus the scene of urban violence for several days with a tram which was targeted and fireworks fired at the police.

In an article posted Wednesday evening, the weekly Point accuses a policeman of having added fuel to the fire by stoking rivalries between these two neighborhoods. On the evening of December 23, 2021, when a police operation had been carried out in the afternoon in Pontanezen, this police officer from the anti-crime brigade was caught tagging a wall in the sensitive neighborhood. He mentioned the name of a caïd of the city, implying that he had gone to the enemy, specifies The Telegram. A few days later, a new inscription was discovered, this time suggesting that the limit had been crossed.

An open administrative investigation

Shortly after, a photo circulating in the Brest police department set fire to the powder. We see on the picture a man with a service weapon and a bulletproof vest writing the first tag. An inscription which could be at the origin of the outbreak of violence which occurred in January in the district of Pontanezen. At the Brest police station, the case caused a stir and led to the opening of an administrative investigation. The General Inspectorate of the National Police (IGPN) could also be seized. According to our information, the offending official has since been dismissed and seconded to another service.

Contacted by 20 minutes, David Leveau, regional secretary of the SGP Police Unit union in Brittany, prefers to be cautious while awaiting the results of the investigation. “But if the facts are proven, it may make noise,” he says. If there is a black sheep in our ranks, it must be removed immediately. Because we cannot accept that we tarnish the image of the police in this way”.

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