A peacock in Middle Franconia makes the headlines – Bavaria

Brain surgeons are expressly excluded at this point. For everyone else, the popular wisdom applies that you cannot look into the head of your counterpart. This is even more true for animals. How they perceive their environment and what they think, yes, we can make assumptions about that. But often we watch animal behavior rather helplessly. Does hunger lead to these weird spooks? The play instinct? Or is there something completely different behind it, for example: the urge for attention?

The latter interpretation would be appropriate at least in the case of a peacock who has been walking through the Weissenburg-Gunzenhausen district for weeks – and has thus achieved a celebrity that most people will forever deny. “Loved and cursed: the bold peacock from Büttelbronn,” was the headline for example BR a post about the bird. He moves unmolested from garden to garden in the small town, eats flower beds empty, decorates terraces with remains and drives the mayor to despair. Because the old owner has moved and a new one does not want to burden himself with the responsibility. What the headlines show that the abandoned poultry know how to use for themselves. “Mob peacock causes chaos in a Bavarian village,” reported Focus Online. And because the peacock apparently pecks blue cars, found image last week one image– fair line: “Free-roaming bird terrorizes the whole village: a peacock sees blue.” It doesn’t go underneath now.

Perhaps one shouldn’t overinterpret things either. First, it is in the nature of things that a peacock should do what it wants when it is allowed to; secondly, it hasn’t gotten all the attention so far. In nearby St. Veit, part of the Pleinfeld market, they still preferred not to let it get that far in the first place. “Another peacock in Altmühlfranken on the way,” wrote the online portal recently nordbayern.de – but could give the all-clear right away. “Nine firefighters went into the forest armed with a landing net.” The peacock fled to a field, but there was no escape from there. Captured and transported away: The outlaw from Büttelbronn should, if he understands it, understand this as a warning.

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