A paradise for fishermen, this discreet pond wants to seduce the general public

He comes to lunch here whenever he can. “It’s a perfect place. Some colleagues prefer to eat in their truck at lunchtime. I like being here so much, I’m quiet, with a beautiful view. » Truck driver, Jérôme is a regular at the Pérelle pond. This natural site of Saint-Jacques-de-la-Lande (Ille-et-Vilaine) is located a few dozen meters from the towpath bordering the Vilaine and close to Rennes. Wild, the small, very wooded lake offers a radical change of scenery to all those who dare to venture there. Still confidential, this little wonder has new facilities to make itself known. Because until now, only local fishermen took the time to sit on its banks. But that was before.

Supported by the municipality of Saint-Jacques and by Rennes Métropole, the enhancement project has proved to be discreet, but effective. A path accessible to all has been erected on the banks of the water and several picnic tables have been installed. While the heat is intense this summer, the shade of the many trees bordering the pond is ideal.

Next to Rennes, the pond of Pérelle has been the subject of small developments to receive the public. – C. Allain / 20 Minutes

On the banks, a few lookouts have been set up, giving La Pérelle a taste of North America. “The site was already accessible but it was quite confidential. Only the fishermen came there regularly. The municipality acquired it during the previous mandate to open it more to the public,” explains Nelly Lechaplain, local life assistant.

If the community “assumes” wanting to make this site known, it has chosen “not to distort it”. “We thought about not turning everything upside down, integrating the facilities discreetly”, assures André Crocq, vice-president of Rennes Métropole who piloted the construction site in the Vilaine valley.

Next to Rennes, the pond of Pérelle has been the subject of small developments to receive the public.
Next to Rennes, the pond of Pérelle has been the subject of small developments to receive the public. – C. Allain / 20 Minutes

In recent months, other sites like this will be open to the public not far from the banks of the river. With the aim of breaking the monotony of the towpath and offering some secret detours to the many walkers, joggers and cyclists.

“We want to offer residents the opportunity to be on vacation in town, to be able to breathe near their homes,” continues the elected official. “It’s true that we are very close to Rennes but we don’t realize it, it’s exotic”, concedes Jérôme before sitting down facing the lake to eat. In the shade and in peace.

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