“A painful but crucial moment…” The families of the victims of the attack on the basilica meet the investigating judge on Wednesday

Initially scheduled for January 19, the meeting with the vice-president in charge of the investigation at the anti-terrorism center had been postponed because of the magistrate’s infection with Covid-19. It is therefore Wednesday that the families of the three victims of the knife attack on the Notre-Dame basilica in Nice, perpetrated on October 29, 2020, will be able to ask their questions to Jean-Marc Herbaut and find out more about the progress of the investigations.

The medical expertise of the suspect, who claims to have amnesia

This is a component eagerly awaited by the relatives of the victims and which could be mentioned during this meeting. The anti-terrorist prosecution requested an in-depth psychiatric and neurological expertise to determine the tangibility of the amnesia mentioned by the suspect. During his three hearings, Brahim Aouissaoui disputed the alleged facts and claimed to remember nothing, neither of his trip to France, nor of his acting out, nor even the first names of his parents. This 22-year-old Tunisian was indicted in December 2020 for “assassinations in connection with a terrorist enterprise”, “assassination attempts in connection with a terrorist enterprise” and “participation in a terrorist criminal association with a view to preparing of one or more crimes of personal injury”.

The motion for nullity formulated by the defense already rejected

The civil parties were also waiting for a crucial response which finally came before the meeting. A motion for nullity filed by the defense was entirely dismissed. Me Tewfik Bouzenoune, Brahim Aouissaoui’s lawyer, had seized the investigating chamber of the Paris Court of Appeal and demanded the cancellation of the reports drawn up just after the attack. He believed that the secrecy of the investigation had been the subject of several violations.

A “painful but crucial” moment for the civil parties

“The meetings between the investigating judges and the victims are intended to inform the civil parties of the progress of the investigations and to answer any questions they may have about the investigation”, explains the national anti-terrorist prosecutor’s office to 20 minutes. “It will be a painful but crucial moment,” predicts Joffrey Devillers, the husband of Nadine Devillers, one of the victims. If he does not “really know what to expect”, the Niçois explains “trust justice”. For the moment, “the judicial information is still in progress”, “there is no date of trial envisaged”, according to the prosecution.

A witness heard

Wednesday morning, before meeting the civil parties in the afternoon, the vice-president in charge of the instruction Jean-Marc Herbaut should audition for the first time a faithful of the parish, main witness of the attack which took place. was produced on October 29, 2020 shortly after 8:30 a.m. Nadine Devillers, a 60-year-old Niçoise, Simone Barreto Silva, a 44-year-old Franco-Brazilian, mother of three children, and sexton Vincent Loquès, 55, father of two daughters, had been killed.

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