“A nightmare”: Ary Abittan, back on stage, without filter on what he experienced

By Hiba Semali | Editor

Attached to the TV section, Hiba Semali devotes herself to the small screen. The Voice, Koh-Lanta, Top Chef, Secret Story, Star Academy and even Les Marseillais have no secrets for her.

While he was accused of rape by a student, Ary Abittan was determined on his fate a few weeks ago. Now he is focusing on his career. This is how he returns to the stage and takes the opportunity to talk… a little… about the affair.

“A nightmare”: Ary Abittan, back on stage, without filter on what he experienced

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In 2021, Ary Abittan was accused of rape by a 23-year-old woman with whom he was in a relationship. Three years later, on April 3, 2024, justice finally delivered its verdict: the 50-year-old actor benefited from a dismissal of the case, the complainant appealed. After this court decision, the actor made his return to the forefront with a new show called Authentic and in which he breaks “a little” the taboo of the affair.

Last Wednesday and Thursday, Ary Abittan performed at the Comédie de Tours, in Indre-et-Loire. Our colleagues from Parisian made the trip to discover this return to the stage. On site, without any real surprise: a demonstration was held as a protest, led by the Actions Féministes collective. Finally, the 70 protesters left the premises before the show began in this 270-seat room. In front of his audience, this divorced father of three children, all girls, slowly but surely brings up the subject. “End of the hassle“, he slips this way, “I don’t want any more hassle“, he adds. Before finally putting his foot in the dish: “You saw how I lost weight! I haven’t been back since being in police custody… Do you want me to tell you the story?“This is where the show takes another turn: in a joking tone (but not always), Ary Abittan tells for the first time what he experienced.

Ary Abittan without filter in his police custody

Police custody, it happened to me, it can happen to others“, he says seriously. And continues with humor: “It’s a nightmare, I feel like I’m in Fort Boyardat one point I said to myself ‘There is a dwarf who is going to come and rescue me’.“Our colleagues from Parisian report that “from a distance, an Antillean recognizes him and calls out to him: ‘What have you done to God, brother?’” Enough to provoke laughter from the spectators. The show ends with the reading of the poem If by Rudyard Kipling then to the sound of the title I Will Surviveinevitably full of meaning for him.

On stage, Ary Abittan seems to have found his audience. The very one who believes that “we cannot get involved in stories without knowing“or even that he”does what he wants in his private life“. The next date ofAuthentic in 2024 will be held in London on May 22.

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