A new understanding of photosynthesis: Breakthrough on the way to bio-solar cells

Without rare raw materials
Researchers report breakthrough on the way to bio-solar cells

Plants can store sunlight as part of photosynthesis – but the process has so far been considered too inefficient for technical use. Researchers are now finding a way to optimize it.

© Galyna Andrushko/ / Picture Alliance

A research team is questioning the previous understanding of photosynthesis – and at the same time opening up new possibilities for generating climate-friendly energy. Because it finds a possible way to use photosynthesis to produce green hydrogen.

This article first appeared on n-tv.de

In the fight against climate change, the search for CO₂-free energy suppliers is currently one of the most urgent tasks facing humanity. A new study now shows one approach: it could change the way we generate energy from sunlight. A research team from the University of Cambridge, the University of Rostock and the Ruhr University Bochum investigated the process of photosynthesis in plants. They found a possible way of using natural reaction accelerators, so-called photosystems, to develop biological solar cells. The study was published in the renowned specialist journal “Nature”.

According to one, this “breakthrough” calls into question the previous model of the basic functioning of photosynthesis communication the Ruhr University. Until now, it was assumed that the photo systems would inevitably have high energy losses due to their construction principle – at the end of the process, depending on the organism, less than one percent of the original light energy is chemically bound. According to the researchers, however, the new study was able to show that the high losses during photosynthesis could in principle be avoided.

New understanding of photosynthesis?

The highlight: the scientists succeeded for the first time in extracting electrons directly from the initial stages of photosynthesis. “Our results enable completely new concepts for the design of biological solar cells, which – at least theoretically – could significantly improve efficiency,” said Marc Nowaczyk, head of the Chair of Biochemistry at the University of Rostock and co-author of the study, according to the release.

Biological reaction accelerators, called enzymes, are already an integral part of everyday life. They are used, for example, as additives in detergents, refine foods or are used in large-scale processes to produce medicines or raw materials for the chemical industry. In contrast to chemical catalysts, they only react with specific substances and thus produce very targeted products. Furthermore, biological reaction accelerators do not require any precious metals or other rare raw materials.

“In nature, solutions have always prevailed that are not limited by the availability of raw materials,” says Nowaczyk. The findings are now to be used to develop innovative hybrid systems that use biological catalysts and light energy to generate hydrogen as an energy source. But the scientist also emphasizes: “It is still a long way to go before this is actually used in practice and further research is required.”


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