A new shooting this Sunday morning in Pissevin leaves two seriously injured

The gang war Pissevin, a district in the southwest of Nîmes (Gard), caused new victims this Sunday. Two men aged 28 and 32 were seriously injured by gunfire in the morning, reports France Bleu Gard Lozereconfirming information aboutObjective Gard. Neither of them has their vital prognosis in jeopardy, specifies the local online media.

A car quickly found, with a Kalashnikov on board

The shooting took place around 7 a.m., when an individual fired a Kalashnikov, hitting the two men in the parked car. The perpetrators of the shots managed to escape. Their vehicle was quickly found burned on the outskirts of Nîmes, with a Kalashnikov on board.

The Puisevin district, plagued by drug trafficking, sadly made the headlines at the end of August. In the space of four days, two people were killed there, including a ten-year-old child who was mistakenly targeted by gunfire. Gérald Darmanin went there, in particular to announce police reinforcements in the city, with the deployment of the CRS 8, a unit specializing in the management of urban violence.

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