A new security system put in place to protect the city’s 57 kilometers of coastline

Put blue on the Marseille coasts of the big blue. This is the objective of the summer system for securing the 57 kilometers of coastline and the 21 beaches of Marseille, jointly developed by the police headquarters and the municipality.

Presented as new and redesigned especially for this year, it is based on three strong ideas: “Presence, prevention and deterrence”, introduced Frédérique Camilleri, the prefect of police. Seven new police patrols, “preferably on mountain bikes and on foot”, have been assigned to the coasts of the three police sectors of the city (south, center, city), including one from CRS and a mixed national/municipal police. These are present from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m., it was specified. A team from the transport brigade will pay particular attention to the shuttles connecting the Frioul islands and the Old Port.

A new way of doing

Deployed since June 1, this system has shown that the season started strong on the security front, with “192 arrests (mainly for simple theft and violence) and 539 fines” for drug use, detailed the prefect. For information, last year, when the device was quite different and some health restrictions still in force, it had allowed “only” 54 arrests. “The police’s way of doing things is different from that of last year,” concluded the prefect, who can also count on the reinforcement of a CRS company (60 men), in addition to the two permanently stationed in Marseille. .

For its part, the town hall provides first aid and rescue missions on six of the eleven supervised beaches, and has recruited 120 lifeguards for the season. Its staff of mediators has been increased to 90, ie 20 more than last year, and are continuing their mission of prevention and information sharing, explained Yannick Ohanessian, security assistant. For the season, the municipal police, in addition to its 50 agents assigned to the coast, are provided with two chalets on Frioul and the Old Port in order to ensure a permanent presence and visibility. The prefecture has warned that twice a week operations targeting street vendors, many in this sector, will be undertaken.

Finally, in the creeks, the surveillance of swimming and safety on Sorimou beach will be carried out by five CRS, a first. In the area of ​​nautical activities, it was noted that “jet-skis constitute a real problem” and the monitoring of two slipways (Pointe Rouge and that of La Lava, in the 16th arrondissement) will be in the lap of the patrols. The city is expecting just over two million bathers, tourists and locals on its coast for the season which has already started.

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