A new record of deaths and contaminations in the country

Days go by and the situation gets worse. Russia recorded a new record of deaths and contaminations linked to Covid-19 this Saturday, for the third day in a row. According to the government’s record, 1,075 people have died and 37,678 have been infected in the past 24 hours.

Since June, the country has been facing a new wave of the epidemic caused by the appearance of more aggressive variants, the low respect for wearing a mask and the great difficulties of its vaccination campaign. The death toll has now reached 229,528, making Russia the most bereaved country in Europe. But these data are largely underestimated, the statistics agency Rosstat having counted more than 400,0000 dead at the end of August.

The Kremlin’s delay

Barely a third of Russians have been immunized since the appearance of the first national vaccine, Sputnik V, in December 2020. A failure which can be explained in particular by the traditional mistrust of the population towards the authorities. Faced with the current murderous wave, the latter were slow to react and impose restrictive measures, for fear of weakening an already faltering economy. This week, President Vladimir Putin finally ordered a week off from October 30 to November 7 in an attempt to break the chains of contamination.

The city hall of Moscow, by far the main epidemic focus of the country, will close all non-essential businesses and businesses for eleven days from October 28. Several regions have also decided to set up health passes. Critics, however, accuse Putin of not taking the measure of the epidemic that still rages in the country. On Thursday, the master of the Kremlin thus maintained that Europeans were flocking to Russia to be vaccinated with Sputnik V, rather than receiving the injections recognized by the European Union.

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