A new protocol launched for child witnesses of feminicides

Killed before their eyes… The government launched Thursday in Bordeaux a new protocol for the care of children present during a feminicide or the homicide of one of their parents, a “double trauma”. While each year in France more than a hundred women die under the blows of their spouse or ex-spouse, “more than 80 children in 2020 became orphans of one or both parents and witnessed traumatic events “, according to the Secretary of State for Children.

Pediatric care in hospital

This new course of care, presented in Bordeaux by the Secretary of State Adrien Taquet, thus allows the immediate care of the child in the hospital for a maximum duration of eight days. The public prosecutor will issue a provisional placement order and the child will be referred to a pediatric ward at the hospital, the firm said. The police will be responsible for putting together a kit for him, a list of things to take for his stay in the hospital.

The Samu or the firefighters will take him immediately to the hospital where he will be taken care of in priority by the pediatric services. A somatic and child psychiatric assessment will be established within 72 hours, with the support of the regional psychotrauma center to assess his need for care. This protocol provides for an accompanying person to take care of him, in support of the pediatric service.

During his stay, the public authorities will meet to assess his environment and make proposals to the courts for his accommodation and care. “These children suffer from a double trauma: they see an attachment figure, their mother, killed by their father, another attachment figure. They lose both, ”explains to the cabinet of Adrien Taquet. Until now, their care was not formalized or unified throughout the territory, each jurisdiction decided on a case-by-case basis.

A protocol extended to all of France

The government will send this new protocol to the Regional Health Agencies (ARS) within a month. This system has been tested since 2016 in Seine-Saint-Denis, and has given “convincing results”, according to AdrienTaquet’s office.

It was presented by Adrien Taquet during a visit to the Bordeaux University Hospital, where he inaugurated a Child in Danger Pediatric Unit (Uaped), a system that collects the words of children who are victims of sexual or intra-family violence by professionals. trained health and law enforcement personnel, as part of the hospital. The government has planned to deploy a hundred Uaped throughout the country.

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