A new meeting place for the people of Unterföhring – district of Munich

How do you celebrate a festival in such a depressing global political situation as the current one? Those responsible in the municipality of Unterföhring thought for a long time and then decided, despite the war in the Ukraine, to inaugurate their new Feststadel with a celebration, albeit in a more sedate setting than originally planned. So the people who came to the Etzweg on Sunday had space to exchange ideas and the opportunity to find out about help for refugees from and in the Ukraine. FDP municipal councilor Veit Wiswesser had previously criticized the opening massively: Due to the war in Ukraine, he “neither had the need nor the nerve to be beery and take part in any festival with Dschingderassabum”. Rather, the Feststadl should be prepared as an emergency shelter for war refugees.

The official handover of the Feststadel to the citizenry had been delayed for almost two years. The pretty one-storey wooden house with a usable area of ​​900 square meters has been ready since summer 2020; Due to the corona pandemic, however, it could not yet be handed over to its intended use as an event location for clubs, companies or private individuals. Instead, the municipal council has held its meetings there since autumn 2020, with Corona-compliant intervals. Now, finally, all residents of Unterföhring should be able to come into the building, which has always been a political issue in town.

While Mayor Andreas Kemmelmeyer (PWU) always demanded and promoted the Feststadel, SPD politicians in particular criticize the project, which ultimately cost a whopping 4.9 million euros gross. For the members of the boys’ association, this aspect should initially be of secondary importance – they will be particularly pleased that they will be able to hold their maypole vigil in the Feststadel for the next four weeks; In 2020 this had to be canceled due to the pandemic.

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