A new interview between Emmanuel Macron and Joe Biden scheduled for Friday evening

Emmanuel Macron and his American counterpart Joe Biden have scheduled a new telephone interview on Friday at 6 p.m., while the two countries have begun to relax after the subsea contract crisis, we learned from the Elysee.

This call precedes a meeting between the two leaders which should take place at the G20 in Rome at the end of October, followed by the visit to Paris of the American vice-president Kamala Harris. She will attend the Peace Forum on November 11 and could meet the French president on this occasion, according to diplomatic sources.

“In-depth consultation process”

This new call will be part of a warming phase between Paris and Washington after the crisis caused by the announcement on September 15 of a new alliance between the United States, Australia and the United Kingdom. This partnership, called AUKUS, aroused rare anger from France because it torpedoed a mega-contract for French submarines with the Australians.

A phone call from Joe Biden and Emmanuel Macron, a week later, had triggered a relaxation. The tenant of the White House had then publicly made amends on the method. And the two heads of state had launched a “process of in-depth consultations” to restore a hard-hit trust between Paris and Washington.

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