A new app lists all the aid to which Marseille students are entitled

“It’s tarpin well, it’s too quick! The reaction of this student from Luminy, in Marseille, finally convinced the designers to ”
The Quickdraw to give it that name. Launched in early January in partnership with the city of Marseille and the Crous Aix-Marseille-Avignon, this free application is aimed at Marseille students. It lists all the aid they can claim, whether for housing, transport, health or leisure. “Many students are unaware of the aid that exists outside the APL and scholarships,” notes Mireille Martin, Deputy Director of Amphi Marseille Exit.

She knows something about it: the association has been in contact with students on campus for years, to inform them about all the services available for them in Marseille. From January to March, as now, she is also in high schools, where she often reminds that scholarship applications for the academic year are made now, and that students are entitled to APL even if they are not scholarship holders.

All the help in three clicks

“The idea for the application germinated during the first confinement, where we received a lot of messages from depressed students and especially in great precariousness, continues Mireille Martin. We thought about how we could bring something. Here is the answer: more than 100 permanent aids listed, and around fifty occasional aids, all updated each month for reliable information. In three clicks, you fill in your age (from 17 years old), your status (student, apprentice, trainee) and your situation (scholarship holder or not), and you can access the various aids by category (10 in total). Then, we opt for “more info” or “I benefit from it”, with in this case a direct link to the online application or the file to be completed.

Among the little known aids, Mireille Martin cites free psychological consultation or the fight against menstrual precariousness, which provides free periodic protection in Crous university residences and university health services. “Meals at 1 euro are still possible for non-scholarship students depending on their situation”, also indicates Mireille Martin, who also recalls “the solidarity fund for housing to help with specific difficulties”: “Often, students tell us that they are in the red and do not know how they will be able to pay for their residence at the end of the month. »

In January, the application recorded 22,000 interactions, which correspond to more than 1,500 students who benefited from information and help through this. Towing actions are planned to make “Le Dégaine” even better known. On campuses, in university restaurants but also in other places: “Our state of mind, and this is what the name of the application translates, is to transmit positive information, smiles Mireille Martin. It’s just a bonus, to have help and be even better in your student life. »

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