A Monopoly to discover the Tarn department

Looking for a Christmas gift idea for your colleague from the South West? What if you offered him Monopoly du Tarn, an official game created by BM Services in partnership with Hasbro? Throughout the 40 boxes, the emblematic places of the department have been identified in order to promote the territory. Thus, Cordes-sur-Ciel, elected favorite village of the French in 2014, has logically been placed in place of the famous rue de la Paix.

And to arbitrate the duel between the two largest cities of the department, Albi and Castres? The episcopal city, capital of the Tarn, occupies the green boxes, ie the second most expensive area. That the fans of the CO be reassured, their city was placed just before, on the yellow boxes. The legend saying that it is on these boxes that we most often fall, according to the testimony of a resident at the Midi Dispatchhonor is safe.

Lautrec, Gaillac and the Goya museum

The other tourist towns in the department have been grouped together by geographical areas, without any intention of classifying them according to a hypothetical value. That the inhabitants of Lacaune and Brassac rest assured, their placement in the unenviable zone with 60 monos (the cheapest of the plate) is not therefore a sanction. To better highlight the heritage, a photo accompanies each box.

Lautrec, Gaillac, Puycelci, Sorèze and Ambialet also find their place on the plateau. And instead of stations and companies, the creators have favored the assets of the Tarn: the Gaillac vineyards, the salted meats from Lacaune, the pink garlic from Lautrec or the Goya museum. For the president of the departmental council, Christophe Ramond, this Monopoly “demonstrates the unity of our territory” and should make you want to extend the game with real visits.

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