A mayor of Haute-Saône threatens to close the school if the director returns

What if the Couthenans school gates remained closed this Thursday for the start of the school year? The scenario, quite incredible seen from afar, is not insane. “Yes, no one will enter and it will be closed if nothing moves. I have no other solutions, ”promises the mayor of this village of Haute-Saône.

Jean-Pierre Jeanroy is categorical: he does not want the director of the establishment, on maternity leave last year, to return to her post. The chosen one is far from alone. “About fifteen parents, out of the sixty students, have signed a petition” demanding the withdrawal of the teacher in question confirms to 20 minutes a mother.

Their grievances? “She had, for example, left a child outside in the middle of winter to punish him and had forgotten one on the lawn while he was sleeping,” she says. “There have also been cases of harassment against an Atsem who will certainly file a complaint. Without forgetting major shortcomings in terms of security, ”adds the mayor, who had also requested the academic inspection. “I had been assured that the director would not resume in September. Then we learned very late that it would finally be back to school! Hence the current threats of closed doors at the Couthenans school.

Faced with this situation, the academic director of the national education services (Dasen) tried to ease the tensions. “There is nothing in this case that justifies depriving children of school on the first day of school. The services of the academy have carried out an in-depth analysis of the elements communicated by the parents, the teachers and the mayor: there is no reason to move towards a suspension of the director or towards a sanction, ”assured Philippe Destable to The Republican East.

“A climate of tension and fear”

The latter also offered “close support from the academic inspectorate and all the support necessary to guarantee the safety of the children and the normal course of lessons”. The two parties are expected to talk about it in person this Wednesday afternoon. “I’m afraid that the Dasen remains on its position but the situation cannot stop there. We are in a climate of tension and fear. Parents have told me: they will not put their child in if she stays,” insists Jean-Pierre Jeanroy. “Let others be reassured, the kids will be welcomed and occupied in the multipurpose room. »

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