A man will be tried for fake guillotines threatening elected officials in favor of the health pass

A 50-year-old man suspected of having manufactured and installed in the Landes municipalities three dummy guillotines bearing the names of elected officials in favor of the establishment of the health pass will be tried in October for “threat of death against an elected official public ”, announced Friday the parquet floor of Mont-de-Marsan. After the discovery on Saturday of these false guillotines in Saint-Sever, Samadet and Geaune, the exploitation of CCTV images had shown a man placing this machine on the market place of Saint-Sever at 10:10 pm and leaving after having photographed it , explained the prosecution in a statement.

Identified and arrested Thursday, this Landais with a clean criminal record admitted to having “built and deposited alone” these devices “in wood and cardboard”. He wanted to “alert the mayors concerned of the violation of fundamental freedoms by government decisions” in the fight against the Covid-19 epidemic. Regretting that the “symbol was badly perceived by elected officials and the media”, he said that he “never had the intention or the conscience to threaten local elected officials with death”.

No coordinated action a priori

He was placed under judicial supervision, with a ban on coming into contact with the victims and participating in a demonstration on the public highway, according to the prosecution, which specified that it had not been established that the suspect belonged ” to a coordinated collective to carry out similar actions ”. On these guillotines “were stapled thirteen sheets bearing the names of 382 elected officials who signed a forum of ” support for the liberticidal decisions of the government ” published in Sunday Newspaper July 18, ”explained the prosecution.

“This list was accompanied by a leaflet entitled ” prohibition of compulsory health pass and vaccination ”. On these pages, eight mayor’s names, including one from a Landes municipality, were underlined ”. A fourth guillotine, deposited in front of a store in Hagetmau (Landes), was discovered early Saturday morning and immediately removed by employees. Two mayors from the Landes had lodged a complaint and the investigation had been entrusted to the Mont-de-Marsan research brigade.

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