A man tries to rob the Enghien casino with a fake explosive belt

Monday May 1 eventful at the casino of Enghien-les-Bains in the Val-d’Oise. A 24-year-old man attempted to rob the establishment while wearing a fake explosive belt, AFP learned from police sources. Around 2 p.m., he showed up on the premises of the establishment wearing a vest that seemed to have been equipped with explosives and threatened the cashier of the casino after breaking the protective glass of the counter, said the same source. .

The security officials of the establishment negotiated with him before quickly controlling him, having considered that his vest seemed to present no risk.

A frightened customer jumps from the 1st floor

Unknown to the police, the man was arrested and taken into custody. The games room, where 200 people were at the time, was evacuated. The robbery could have ended worse. Taking fright, a customer indeed jumped from the first floor when the alert was given but came out unscathed, said a police source.

“The deminers intervened. They confirmed that the belt was fake. An investigation was opened and entrusted to the Val d’Oise judicial police.

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