A man shot in the head in Aulnay-sous-Bois

A man in his fifties was “killed by a bullet in the head” on Friday evening as he left a bar in Aulnay-sous-Bois (Seine-Saint-Denis), learned on Saturday. AFP to the Bobigny prosecutor’s office, confirming information from the Actu 17 site. The facts took place around 6 p.m. in the city center of this town located north of Paris, at the corner of rue Marceau and rue Duclos, said the floor.

The victim was leaving a bar-tabac when she was fatally hit by a gunshot. Despite the intervention of the emergency services, she died on the spot, reported this source.

The victim had a long criminal record

No arrests have been made at this stage, according to the prosecution. The investigation opened for “assassination” was entrusted to the criminal brigade. The hypothesis of a settling of scores is envisaged with regard to the modus operandi of this execution, according to a source familiar with the matter. According to this same source confirming information from Parisianthe victim responds to the name of Abderrazak Dahmani.

Known to justice, he had notably been sentenced, with two other accomplices, by the Assize Court of Val-d’Oise in 2012 for the kidnapping and sequestration for nine days of the boss of a construction company in Garges. -lès-Gonesse (Val-d’Oise). His captors, disguised as fake police, had demanded a ransom of 350,000 euros against his release. The commando had been sentenced to eight to thirteen years in prison.

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