A man shot dead near the Champs-Elysées, investigation opened for assassination


The victim, a 48-year-old man, is from Mali

A murder on the most beautiful avenue in the world. A man was mortally wounded by bullets in the chest, on the night of Saturday to Sunday shortly after midnight, near a cabaret located near the Champs-Elysees. An investigation has been opened for assassination, indicates a police source, confirmed by the Paris public prosecutor’s office. The victim, born in maliwas 48 years old, said the prosecution.

The 1st judicial police district of Paris conducts the investigations. A suspect has also been identified. According to the first elements of the investigation, the track of the settlement of accounts is envisaged: the two people had a recent dispute, according to the police source, which specifies that a small caliber weapon, comparable to an automatic pistol, was found on the victim. The suspect took advantage of a crowd movement after the shooting to flee, said the police source, and has not yet been arrested.

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