A man sentenced for domestic violence on his half-sister, mother of his child

It is a story of incredible sadness. On Monday, a 27-year-old man was convicted of domestic violence against the mother of his daughter and ex-partner. The female victim and her attacker have another point in common: they are half-brother and sister and have the same mother, from whom they were separated during childhood by court order, their mother having been convicted of sexual touching. The girl born of this union was immediately placed in a center for children at birth,
specifies Ouest-France.

The president of the court of Angers (Maine-et-Loire) made it clear that the couple “did not know that he had the same mother” when their relationship started. It is when he hears the news that the defendant will begin to assault his half-sister. Already sentenced in May for violence against his ex, he was prohibited from coming into contact with the victim. But he showed up at his home in early August, where his half-sister and mother were, despite the contact ban. He would then have assaulted the two women.

On Monday, the Angers criminal court found him guilty and sentenced him to six months in prison and decided to keep him in detention.

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