A man on a scooter runs a red light and dies when hit by a RATP bus

It is a tragic accident. A man who was riding a scooter died last night in Clichy (Hauts-de-Seine) after being hit by a RATP bus, according to the Nanterre court, which confirmed to 20 minutes information from Parisian.

The accident occurred on Wednesday August 25 at around 7 p.m. at the corner of Boulevard Jean Jaurès and Rue Pierre Bérégovoy, while the scooter was crossing at the crossroads. Cardiac massages were performed in vain by Samu doctors on the 31-year-old man, according to The Parisian, and more than 25 firefighters were mobilized.

Burning red fire

The man would have run a red light when a bus from RATP line 274 reached the intersection, according to the Paris transport company, also contacted by 20 minutes. Alcohol and drug tests carried out on the driver were negative.

“The RATP wishes to express its very strong feelings and assures the family of the victim of all its support”, reacted the management. A flagrant investigation for manslaughter was opened and entrusted to the traffic accidents and offenses brigade of the Clichy public security police station, according to the Nanterre court. The body of the deceased was transported to a forensic institute for autopsy and toxicological analyzes.

At the end of July, a policewoman died after being struck by an ambulance, while she was going to her service on a scooter.

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