a man killed with 22 stab wounds in the North

Three people, including a 17-year-old minor, are in police custody after the discovery on Sunday on an isolated road in Cassel (North) of the body of a man killed by 22 stab wounds, we learned from the prosecution. . The 29-year-old victim was discovered by a walker on Sunday morning, leading the Dunkirk prosecutor’s office to open a murder investigation, said deputy prosecutor Alexia Gonnet, confirming information from Journal the voice of the North. The autopsy revealed “22 stab wounds”, she said.

A 17-year-old boy, arrested on Sunday evening, saw his police custody extended. Monday at the end of the day, two other men, adults, were also placed in police custody as part of this investigation. “The investigations are in progress”, in particular to determine the possible “involvement of each”, indicated the deputy prosecutor, specifying that the context and the motive are at this stage “very vague”.

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