a man killed by bullets discovered in Seine-Saint-Denis

The body of a man killed by bullets was discovered, Tuesday evening, around 9:30 p.m., in Villepinte (Seine-Saint-Denis), road Camille Pissarro, near the Sausset station, learns 20 minutes from a police source. Near the victim, shot in the head, the police discovered three 7.65 mm caliber shell casings. Despite the help provided by the firefighters, she died half an hour later.

According to the first elements of the investigation, entrusted by the Bobigny prosecutor’s office to the criminal brigade of the Parisian judicial police, witnesses saw two people leaving the park in the direction of the city of the Rose des vents, just after having heard detonations. The body of the victim was transported to the medico-legal institute of Paris in order to be autopsied.

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