a man in police custody after the murder of a tradesman in Bobigny

A man was taken into police custody after the Friday shooting of a tradesman in Bobigny (Seine-Saint-Denis) and the kidnapping of his ex-companion, we learned on Monday from sources close to the investigation and judiciary. The facts took place shortly before 8 p.m. on Friday when a 37-year-old man was found shot dead in his restaurant located in a city center in Bobigny, said a source close to the investigation.

He was shot in the cheek, chest and arm, according to the same source, adding that “the motives for the murder are unclear”. The victim’s brother was also targeted. He was shot in the same city and went to the hospital on his own. He had two bullet holes in his arm but his vital prognosis was not engaged, continues this source.

Challenged by the Raid

Not far from the scene of the murder, the man kidnapped his ex-girlfriend and her family present in the apartment and told him that he had killed the trader, according to a source close to the investigation. The perpetrator was arrested by the Raid teams. He has been in custody since Friday evening. The specialized interregional jurisdiction (Jirs) of Paris was seized on Saturday of the investigation for, in particular, “murder with premeditation and in an organized gang” and “kidnapping”, according to the Paris prosecutor’s office, requested by AFP.

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