a man imprisoned for the robbery of a couple “from Marseilles”

The Marseille police got their hands on a 19-year-old individual suspected of having, on August 28, participated with an acolyte in the robbery of a couple on the show The people of Marseilles, indicated Dominique Laurens, public prosecutor. According to information from
Provence, the couple attacked is that of Greg Yega, one of the leading actors, and his companion.

Justice accuses them of having entered hooded and carrying a handgun in the middle of the morning at the home of this couple from reality TV. They fled after having stolen under violence and threats “luxury watches and various objects,” said the prosecution.

The investigation carried out by the banditry repression squad led to the identification of a 19-year-old young man from Marseille, known to the courts and sentenced last June to 18 months in prison, 8 of which were suspended for aggravated acts of violence. . He was then under the semi-liberty regime, which allows him to leave prison in order, in principle, to follow certain activities. He is now fully incarcerated.

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