a man commits suicide in front of the La Courneuve police station

A 32-year-old man hanged himself in the night from Sunday to Monday in front of the police station of La Courneuve (Seine-Saint-Denis) shortly after filing a complaint for facts of death threats, we learned from of the Bobigny public prosecutor’s office. He hanged himself with the rope of one of the three flag poles located in front of the police station, a source close to the investigation told AFP.

Sunday around 11:45 pm, the victim went to the police station to file a complaint for “repeated death threats”, added the same source. At around 2:30 am, the young man was found hanged by a neighbor who lives near the police station. Despite the intervention of the emergency services, he was declared dead an hour later, according to the source close to the investigation. The investigations were entrusted to the La Courneuve police station.

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