A man assures that the 85,000 euros discovered in the street belong to his parents

We know more this Tuesday, on the incredible discovery made last Thursday evening in Mérignac in the suburbs of Bordeaux. “A man recovered that evening a decorative object in the shape of an elephant on the public highway for his mother, and discovered the presence of 85,000 euros, confirms the parquet of Bordeaux to 20 minutes. It was he who notified the police of this discovery and spontaneously handed over the money. It is therefore a completely fortuitous discovery, made in the middle of bulky items left on the sidewalk.

However, the media coverage of the case has since alerted another man. “Advised by the press articles, a man telephoned yesterday [lundi] investigators to say that the 85,000 euros discovered are probably his parents, continues the prosecution of Bordeaux. He explains that his father is in nursing home, and that his mother died in June. He therefore emptied the parental accommodation and deposited unnecessary objects on the public highway, including a priori the famous elephant “piggy bank” of 85,000 euros. This man must be interviewed, but has no proof to provide on the ownership of the sum at stake. “

The banknotes have been reviewed by the Banque de France. “These are real cuts” continues the prosecution.

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