A man arriving from Guyana intercepted with more than a kilo of cocaine in his stomach

A journey of more than 7,000 kilometers at the risk of his life. Leaving Guyana on May 1, a 32-year-old man was arrested in Brest (Finistère) as he got off the train from Paris. The defendant is accused of having served as a mule by ingesting a few hundred capsules of cocaine to transport the drugs to Brittany. He had crossed the Atlantic by plane with 1.163 kg of cocaine in his stomach.

This 32-year-old cook, already known to the justice services, was taken into custody on May 6 at the Brest police station where investigators waited for the drugs to come out naturally. The suspect was brought before the public prosecutor on Tuesday and remanded in custody pending trial. He should be tried in immediate appearance on Friday.

To transport the drug from Guyana to mainland France, the mules ingest packaged cocaine capsules. A particularly risky practice because if ever one of the packages comes to open, “it’s guaranteed death”, explain the customs officers, referring to the risk of overdose. Paid by traffickers to transport the white powder, the mules generally receive between 2,000 and 3,000 euros if they manage to deliver it.

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