A man and his wife found killed, the privileged track of feminicide

Macabre discovery, Saturday evening, when a family member found the bodies of a couple in Montaren-et-Saint-Médiers, a town in Gard located about thirty kilometers from Nîmes. “On the spot, the gendarmes found themselves in the presence of the body of Madame, who died of wounds from firearms and stab wounds. Mr. was also seriously injured by a gunshot, a hunting rifle found at his side, ”explains the prosecutor of the Republic of Nîmes, Cécile Gensac.

According to the first elements of the investigation, the 35-year-old woman was killed by her husband, seven years her senior. “Still conscious, he received first aid from the gendarmerie soldiers, taken over by the firefighters on their arrival, but died quickly from his injuries. »

The tragedy leaves two orphans aged 9 and 13

The author of the femicide had been implicated in 2002 for aggravated theft. In 2019, he had been implicated for light violence (outside the situation of a couple). A procedure dismissed for insufficiently characterized offense.

The couple’s two children, aged 9 and 13, were cared for by the crisis unit set up on the occasion of a family homicide and were taken in by the pediatric emergency department at the hospital. ‘hospital.

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