a Lyonnaise arrested after issuing thousands of fake sanita passes

A 23-year-old Lyonnaise, who estimates that she has issued several thousand false health passes, will be presented on Monday to an examining magistrate in the Paris region. This investigates the young woman’s membership in “a network”, which she formally disputes. “My health passes are false but authentic, and validated by the Social Security”, indicates the person concerned to

On December 7, she saw Parisian investigators and the gendarmerie surveillance and intervention platoon (PSIG) disembark at 6 a.m. in her apartment in Bron (Rhône). “I thought I killed the president!” They held up my kid who was sleeping in my bed. They were on me since the month of July ”, testifies the forger of sanitary pass, which only affected the RSA before launching from a YouTube video on this“ easy trick to make money ”.

She used the identifier of 200 to 300 practitioners

14,000 euros were found in a cupboard at this young mother, as well as the computer with which she had been making fake health passes for five months. She connected to the “Vaccine covid” page of the Health Insurance with the identifiers of doctors retrieved via the Doctolib site. “I had to take the ID from 200 to 300 practitioners. I was from 8 to 20 hours in front of my computer without a break, every day, it made me a lot of money “, recognizes the young woman, who charged each false pass between 50 and 100 euros.

Released at the beginning of December at the end of her police custody, she will therefore be fixed on her fate on Monday, as part of a judicial investigation opened for “agreement with a view to fraudulent access to an automated data processing system at personal nature, implemented by the State, fraud carried out by an organized gang, and aggravated money laundering ”.

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