a low-intensity earthquake recorded in the west of France

Screenshot of the site of the French Central Seismological Office on the earthquake of April 2, 2021. – BCSF screen capture

A low-intensity earthquake was felt overnight from Friday to Saturday near Poitiers in western France, announced
the French Central Seismological Office in a press release this Saturday.

The epicenter of the local magnitude 3.7 earthquake occurred at 1:56 a.m. local time on Saturday.

“The bells have passed”

According to data from the Laboratory of Detection and Geophysics released by the Central Seismological Office, the epicenter was approximately 19 km west of Poitiers (Vienne) and 27 km east of Parthenay (Deux-Sèvres) .

No damage was immediately reported. “The bells have passed,” joked a user on Twitter in an allusion to the Easter weekend. “It had been a long time since I had moved on a Friday evening,” quipped another in an apparent nod to the measures to restrict exits due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

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