A lot of willingness to help in the district of Ebersberg – Ebersberg

The war in Ukraine is also casting its shadow on the district. But there is also a lot of light: an overwhelming willingness to help and solidarity towards the victims.

String of lights by Vaterstetten students

To the Schools in Vaterstetten, middle school, junior high school and grammar school, the need for discussion is just as great as the desire to help and take a stand against the war. The Humboldt-Gymnasium would like to do both together with the other schools at this one Friday March 18th do. Under the motto “Humboldt helps”, on the initiative of some lower school students, a fundraiser take place. The proceeds will go to Caritas. In addition, the schools want to set a visible sign against war, persecution and oppression and have one together fairy lights planned by Baldham. It should lead from the secondary school via the S-Bahn to the high school and from there to the middle school. At the end of the sixth hour, everyone lights their own candles and observes a minute’s silence while the church bells ring.

Information for hosts

Under the title “Host – what now?” the SPD district association Ebersberg invites all interested parties to a virtual conference at the Tuesday, March 22nd, at 7:30 p.m. Many district citizens are currently opening their homes to refugees from Ukraine. But many questions also arise. What are the recommended first steps to make it easier for guests to arrive? What help can I rely on? How will we shape everyday life together? This event aims to provide answers. Marthe Balzer will report on her experiences from the first days together with her guests. Above all, however, the zoom conference is intended to promote the exchange of experiences and mutual networking. The hosts should have the opportunity to talk openly about possible fears and challenges and to make contact with other committed people. Participation is per link possible, which is also on the Homepage of the SPD district association Ebersberg is available.

The community Market Swabia has for orientation after the arrival of refugees on their site under www.markt-schwaben.de/ukraine-hilfe compiled all important information and a checklist. This is also available at the town hall reception, in the citizen service and in the office from side by side. There is also an overview of the offers of help and important contact details online. The information is continuously updated. In addition, if you have any questions, you can call the citizens’ hotline on (08121) 41 81 22 and the following e-mail address: [email protected].

Discussion evening about war and power

“What will become of Ukraine? What will become of us?” Under this title, the old cinema in Ebersberg invites you to a Benefit talk evening. The political scientist Ievgeniia Belenko and the journalists Julian Hans and Sebastian Schoepp will be Thursday, March 24th, try to approach the answers to these questions. The proceeds from the event will benefit the Humanitarian Aid Ukraine “Aktion Deutschland Hilft”.

How could it happen that Russia invaded a neighboring country and waged a war that awakened the worst memories and elementary fears for the future in Europe? Have we underestimated Moscow’s thirst for power for too long? Or do we just not understand Russian security interests? Will war tear Ukraine apart or accelerate its connection to the West? What do the people there need most urgently at the moment? Ievgeniia Belenko, Julian Hans and Sebastian Schoepp will deal with these questions.

Ievgeniia Belenko, born in 1992, comes from eastern Ukraine. She studied political science and communication science in Greifswald and is an interpreter. She is currently particularly involved in refugee aid. Julian Hans, born in 1974, is one of Germany’s most profound experts on Eastern Europe and Russia. He did his civilian service in Novosibirsk, studied cultural studies in Moscow and was the Russia correspondent for many years Süddeutsche Zeitung. He is married to a Russian citizen and writes for the Time about the Ukraine conflict. Sebastian Schoepp from Ebersberg, born in 1964, worked as a foreign policy editor at the SZ, he is a writer and moderator. His new book “Save the Friendship” will be published soon – which also deals with international friendship.

Reservations can be made in person at the box office in the Alter Speicher or at (08092) 255 92 05. The current Corona rules can be found on the Old cinema website. Start is at 8.30 p.m., the house opens at 7.30 p.m.

Fundraising for medical help

Several people from the health sector in the region (Schönklinik Vogtareuth, Klinikum Traunstein, social work) want to organize an aid campaign for the Ukraine. A doctor from the radiology department in Traunstein is Ukrainian and has a brother who is also a doctor right there in Vinnyzja. He has sent a dedicated list of urgently needed medical supplies and medicines. The association “Begegnungen mit Menschen” has already organized a first truck delivery with relief goods to the Ukraine via the Eastern European Aid Switzerland, also with a very generous donation from the Ebersberg district clinic. Another collection of donations is currently underway in order to procure the required relief supplies from cooperating hospitals, pharmacies and medical supply stores and to deliver them directly to the hospital in Vinnyzja. More info at https://verein-bmm.de/.

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