A kitty launched for his funeral

A call for witnesses had been launched by the national police of Corrèze on Monday, October 24, while the relatives of Justine Vayrac, 20, had not heard from the young woman since the day before, on Sunday morning. She had spent the evening at the nightclub La Charrette, in Brive-la-Gaillarde, before disappearing. The suspect, an acquaintance she met outside the nightclub, confessed to the murder of the young woman in the last hours of her police custody. He was indicted for murder, forcible confinement and rape.

A relative of the victim launched an online kitty to cover funeral expenses. This Wednesday, nearly 15,000 euros were collected.


Murder of Justine in Brive: The young woman died of strangulation, according to the autopsy


Death of Justine in Brive: The gray areas that persist since the suspect’s confession

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