A hundred prostitutes “without solution” after an order from the prefecture

No sooner said than done. On April 15, the Rhône prefecture indicated that it was “thinking about means of action” in the face of the prostitution activities of the Plaine des jeux de Gerland, in the 7th arrondissement of Lyon. Fifteen days later, it has just announced the immediate implementation of an order to prohibit the parking of these vans until October 31, 2023, “for the moment”.

In a press release, the State services evoke as reasons a “manifest attack on public tranquility”, citing in particular a “multiplication of acts of violence” in the “immediate proximity of sports facilities frequented by young children”. For several months, a group of parents has been alerting the authorities about this.

No expulsion but an increase in controls

In total, more than “twenty streets” are concerned in order to “anticipate a potential postponement of activities” on other routes, justifies the prefecture. “This is not an expulsion”, insist the authorities, specifying that patrols and controls will simply be increased.

However, as of this Thursday, around twenty police officers went to the scene with a truck from the pound. Verbalizations were drawn up if the instruction to leave the premises was not respected. Three “empty” vans were removed, indicates the prefecture which ensures that this operation was “educational”.

“We do not listen to the women concerned”

A situation that worries Lola Levy, member of the association for sex workers, Cabiria. She points to “the lack of consideration” and “contempt” of the authorities. “For months, Cabiria has focused on mediation between all the players to find solutions that suit everyone,” she continues. The girls thought they had managed to be direct interlocutors but in the end, they were not listened to. We just want them to go away. »

She adds: “More than a hundred women find themselves without a solution. They have no other places to operate. If they are isolated from others, they may experience more violence. »

The support work of the town hall will continue “whatever the place”

For its part, the city of Lyon “takes note” of this measure even if it did not plan to use this type of means and wished to act “on the substance of the problem”. She had also asked the prefecture to “carry out joint work to improve the situation”.

“This new regulation only shifts and pushes back the problem. Other children will face exactly the same thing later”, repeats once again to 20 minutes, Mohamed Chihi, deputy mayor of Lyon, delegate for safety, security and tranquillity. Before pressing: “We know that it is not simple but it would have been preferable to adopt a more humanistic approach. Beyond the anti-parking orders, we were expecting concrete actions to fight against networks of pimps, for example. “The elected official then affirms that the town hall will continue the work undertaken with these women and partner associations to ensure “their safety, their health and their hygiene” and this, “whatever the place where they are”.

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