A housing shortage after 2022? The HLM movement expresses its fears

The social stock, already just in time, will he manage to absorb the new demands? The Social Union for Housing, which brings together French social housing organizations, fears a “housing crisis” in the coming years, due to a lack, according to it, of a sufficient number of HLM projects undertaken since 2018.

“We are paying for the absence of a national discourse carried and embodied on the need to build social housing (…) We are really here in the process of constituting the elements of a housing crisis for the years to come”, lamented the president of the USH, Emmanuelle Cosse.

“The public authorities, in six months [après les élections présidentielle et législatives], will have to understand that they will have a housing crisis to manage in the next five-year term, ”warned the former Minister of Housing under the presidency of François Hollande (2016-2017).

In 2021, the number of approvals, that is to say the number of authorizations to create social housing, listed by the USH, is 92,700 according to provisional figures, and should definitely settle around 95,000 or 96,000, said its general manager, Marianne Louis.

The number of applicants for a place in social housing is 2.2 million, detailed Emmanuelle Cosse.

The increase in housing prices in the private park also creates more tension, including in territories spared until then, she explained, citing for example the Pays-de-la-Loire or the back – Norman country.

” That [les bailleurs sociaux] see arriving in their queue, these are workers, including farm workers or employees, who until then could access the private park, ”she said.

The USH has also announced its desire to challenge presidential candidates on the subject of housing in early March, alongside the Abbé-Pierre Foundation and the French Building Federation. “I do not see how we can not put housing at the heart of a presidential project,” said Emmanuelle Cosse.

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