a group urgently calls for access to innovative treatments

It is called the collective Triplettes roses. Created a year ago, this collective calls for urgent access to innovative treatments for patients suffering from extremely aggressive triple negative breast cancer, three days before the day dedicated to it.

An unrecognized cancer

Little known, this cancer, which affects about 15% of patients with breast cancer, or 9,000 new cases per year, mainly concerns young women: 40% are under 40 years old. The risk of recurrence is high: 30% within three years of diagnosis. In the event of recurrence with metastases, the prognosis of this cancer has not improved over the past 20 years due to a lack of effective therapies: a five-year survival rate of 11.3%.


A year ago, the collective #MobilisationTriplettes was created, which in December became the association Collectif Triplettes Roses. Three days before World Triple Negative Breast Cancer Day, this group is “urgently” calling for access to innovative treatments, citing the examples of vaccine therapy, immunotherapy, or conjugated antibodies. Thanks in particular to its action, the French health authorities approved the use of two treatments last fall, Keytruda and Trodelvy. The collective would also like “a project to set up a national clinical trial platform” for women with this cancer.

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