A goalie goes crazy and hits his defender

“I have never seen such a thing at a football match! “Saturday, during a North Irish Championship meeting between Glentoran and Coleraine, the commentator could not believe his eyes. While the visiting team had just equalized with two goals everywhere in the last quarter of an hour of the match, and while the cameras were pointed on the joy of the players of Coleraine, a completely different scene was played a few meters away. .

Furious at the opposing equalizer, Aaron McCarey, Glentoran’s goalkeeper, rushed on one of his partners, Bobby Burns, whom he deemed to be at fault at the start of the action, and hit him in the face before shooting him. put down.

Hallucinated by what they were seeing, two defenders of Glentoran then rushed on him to stop him in his madness. The referee of the meeting had no other choice but to expel him on the spot. In the locker room after the game, Aaron McCarey simply said “it shouldn’t have happened,” according to Glentoran boss Mick McDermott.

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